Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Unforgettable past of the Maha Mariamman Temple

Sri Maha Mariamman Aalayam, Taman Karuppiah, Padang Jawa, situated at the border of Klang and Shah Alam.The temple was started by the Hindus at that area (Indian Labors) as a place for their religious needs. As the time went, the temple slowly expanded and it emerged as a beautiful temple for the Hindus around the area for devotion and community development needs.

A portion of the temple was used as a library (early times) and then as kindergarten (I studied there), Thevaram classes, Taekwando classes and also other various classes were held. The temple and the people there practiced peaceful kind of devotion without any elements of slaughtering or extreme religious practices. Under the control of demised Datuk K.Sivalingam and the Gurukkal of the temple Siva Sri N.Ramalingam Gurukkal this temple was well maintained with clean and harmonious environment. The temple was always vibrant and colorful with various religious occasions and festivals.
Some unforgettable memories / pictures of the temple and the activities in the past :

Sri Maha Mariamman - main deity in the temple

Another beautiful Amman statue

Recently held Thiruvilakku Poojai (2007)

Recent Navarathri Poojai (2007) - Amman carried around the temple for the Soorasamharam of Mahisasuran on Vijaya Thasami

Buffalo headed Mahisasuran being destroyed by Amman ( Lively events such as this was a norm in this temple)

The chopping of this banana tree denotes the end of evil - Mahisasuran

Amman on Thiruvoonjal ( devotees humbly swings the Oonjal after the Soorasamharam)

Spectacular view of Amman on the Oonjal

Temple Gurukkal and assistants

Vidhyarambam - Saraswathy Poojai Day

Vidhyarambam - Ramalingam Gurukkal performing the poojai for the childrens that will be starting their education on this Saraswathy Poojai day

Devotees were always served with variety of dishes during every occasions in the temple ( vege items such as meehoon, mee goreng, idli, nasi goreng, nasi lemak (favorite item of the padang jawa devotees)

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