Friday, November 9, 2007

Dampened Deepavali for Hindu's in Malaysia

It was supposed to be a day marking the triumph of good over evil, but Malaysia's Hindu followers ushering in Deepavali said they were in no mood to celebrate.Just a week ago, city hall workers backed by riot police pulled down a squatter colony in central Malaysia and demolished a revered Hindu temple that sat in its midst. A standoff ensued when Hindu devotees tried to halt the demolition, resulting in 14 arrests. The 14, including four lawyers, were later released.

But the issue highlighted a growing racial and religious unease in Malaysia, this time among the small ethnic Indian community over a government-backed drive to pull down temples as illegal structures. "The Indians are being marginalized in many ways," said an ethnic Indian stockbroker, who declined to be named. "We lack both economic and political powers and the temple issue is very upsetting." The unhappiness over the temple demolition boiled over in a recent threat - although it was quickly withdrawn - by the sole Indian minister in Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's cabinet, who called for a boycott of Deepavali, the festival of lights. "Many Malaysians, both Hindus and non-Hindus, are in protest mode with increasing signs of lack of proper respect for all religions in the country and especially after the insensitive and sacrilegious demolition of the temple," said opposition leader Lim Kit Siang. "Such a backdrop makes Deepavali even more significant for it must be a day to fortify resolve for light to overcome darkness and good to triumph over evil in order to end the long list of injustices and wrongs in our nation," he said.

The incident follows recent reports of demolition of Hindu temples which have stirred outcry from the ethnic Indians, feeding minority communities' fears their rights are at risk among a largely Muslim population. At a party assembly this week political leaders of the ethnic Malay majority told the nation's Chinese and Indian minorities to stop questioning Malay privileges or risk hurting race relations, a touchy issue in a country that has suffered race riots. Abdullah, expected to call an election by early 2008, on Wednesday warned the country's dominant Malays and its Chinese and Indian minorities against playing with religious and racial issues. "The harmony between the various communities and religions in Malaysia is not an optional luxury - it is a necessity," he told a meeting of his United Malays National Organization (UMNO), the key party in the ruling coalition. "We have no other choice."

"Our calculation shows one temple being demolished in every three weeks," P Uthayakumar, a lawyer for the Hindu Rights Action Task Force, a Malaysian rights group, said. "The UMNO government is not following the Constitution, which guarantees the freedom of religion." "There's a Tamil proverb which says never stay in a village which has no temple," he said. British colonial rulers brought Indians and Chinese into what was then called Malaya to work in rubber estates and tin mines. The plight of the Indians, mostly Hindus, underscores a deeper malaise: They account for just eight percent of Malaysia's 26 million people and own only 1.5 percent of the national wealth. Most lack upward social mobility because of poor education and remain as laborers although some are losing out to cheaper foreign workers. "It's a working class problem, there are a lot of school dropouts," said Baradan Kuppusamy, an ethnic Indian journalist specializing in Indian issues.

Ethnic Indians say a decades-old affirmative action plan put in place after deadly race riots in 1969 continues to discriminate against them. The policy favours politically dominant Malays in state contracts, businesses, jobs, education and housing. "There is no right at all in the first place," said a 35-year-old Indian businessman as he stepped out of a temple outside Kuala Lumpur. "I have to get Malay as a partner in order to get government contracts. Somehow we have to live with it." (Reuters)

Monday, November 5, 2007

Latest on the temple rebuild / demolishment

As you all know, a new land has been given to the temple management to set up the new temple. A sum of $ also given to setup a temporary temple while the actual building are built. The place given is satisfactory and better. The land is being prepared by the developer to handover to temple management. A new temporary temple will be built very soon. Everything being done is favorable to the temple now. This news has eased a tiny bit of pain of the Indians due to the demolishment.

While this is going on at the new site, at the old site of the demolished temple, our brothers and sisters who bravely opposed the authorities during the temple demolishment are in high spirit to rebuild the demolished temple. The demolished wall has been rebuilt partially. Deity statues (Vinayagar, Amman, Murugar) were bought and the Kumbabishegam was done on 4th and 5th October 2007. The temple committee is not involved in this.

Temple committee is now trying their best to use the opportunity to grab the new place and to grab all possible favors from the government for our community. While on the other side, they are trying their best to rebuild the current demolished temple.

The sad news is that, the old place sure will be demolished no matter how it is being built. The authorities has informed this to them as well. The demolition is confirmed. It's just a matter of time. Once the new land is utilized for the new temple setup, the older one will be demolished. It’s sad to see that the efforts of our brothers and sisters will be demolished together with the temple. There going to another round of clashes when the demolishment will take place.
How could we prevent this? Let’s pray so that no one will be injured during the demolishment. Anbe Sivam !

Sunday, November 4, 2007

The incident on 30th October 2007 - The Beautiful Temple Terrorised

It was a usual morning for the temple gurukkal, the assistant, the devotees and the kindergarten students until few uncivilized humans with thier boots on and with hammers and axes stepped into the temple after demolishing the surrounding houses. What really happened? An inside of the temple terrorism.

Padang Jawa, Sri Maha Mariamman Temple, was headed by demised former Exco member of Selangor state and was managed by the temple committee and the priest – Siva Sri N.Ramalingam Gurukkal.

It is true that a court order released on 2005 but it was then brought to the attention of the developer and discussion was successfully concluded not to demolish the temple until a land is given and deities are moved to the new temple. The developer has allocated a portion of land for the temple, but the land was not prepared yet by the developer. How and where to move without a land is shown and given? The housing area behind the temple is being cleared out and the houses are being relocated. We are aware that the houses being demolished but NOT the temple. To be safe, Selangor state and Exco authorities were met and with the developer’s consent, it was decided and promised that the temple will not be demolished. Not a single notice was given to the temple other than the one that given on 2005.

All of a sudden, on early morning of 30th October 2007, the so called authorities (MBSA) came into the temple with hammers and axes with their shoes ON without a respect to the prayers going on at the temple. (went into the inside deities’ place (karuvarai)). They were forcefully stopped. Notice / court order was asked to be shown, but they can’t produce any. They only kept on repeating that the superior (Selangor MB) ordered to demolish the temple. The man in blue (MBSA) informed that the decision was made late night on 29th October 2007. They refused to hear any of the temple committee’s argument. Finally after a long talk (almost like begging), they decided to give time until 2pm to remove the deities. They immediately went to demolish the kindergarten which belongs to the temple (Classes were going on at that time, the kids were rushed out from kindergarten). The kindergarten was demolished with all valuable belongings of the temple and kindergarten.

At 2pm sharp the so called BATTALION of MBSA, RELA, FRU, POLICE ( the situation was like a war zone ). Our Indian crowd gathered in front of the battalion. Hindraf and their lawyers, independent lawyers, some MIC reps tried to talk to them. Nothing could stop them. MBSA informed NO ONE could stop this as this is direct order from Selangor MB and Datuk Bandar.

At 4 pm, they moved aggressively into the temple. This was when the free for all started. Exchange of stone throwing between the public and the force (peaceful priests and public was inside the temple) ended up in tensed situation. It was shocking to see the MBSA enforcement personnel retaliated back with the stones. The scene was like racial tension. At the end, the force overpowered our Indian brothers/sisters with the tear gasses, water jets, batons and with guns.

Datuk Seri came to the scene too late at about 5 pm after part of the temple already demolished. He informed nothing could be done. The Selangor MB is not listening to him. The situation became even tensed then. Datuk Seri was rushed off back. Now, this has become a National issue. It has sparked a flame in every Hindu in this country that realized this fracas. Indians humiliated with this incident.

Is this the fate Indians even though a lot of NGO’s and the public protesting against Indian community discrimination? The date 30th Oct 2007 has changed entirely the normal life routine of Hindus in the area. Some innocent members of the public and a temple committee were arrested. If this is happening to Padang Jawa Indians, it’s not very far away to other places as well. There’s no say for our leaders. No respect for our belief, our faith and our rights!

This event had made a huge impact in my life. The temple where I grew up as a child has played an important role in my life. It was the base for my education, religious thoughts, social responsibility, and was the base for my intellectual growth. This temple has given me vast memories and knowledge. It will remain silent within me.

What am I going to do for this temple and the people? I’m still finding for an answer for the question which I’m asking myself everyday. The guiltiness of inability to save the temple from being demolished haunts me everyday. I really salute the bravery of Indians who fought with the authorities to defend the temple although it failed at last. I dedicate this blog to my beloved father (Siva Sri Ramalingam Gurukkal), the lovely temple, and the brave Indians (Hindraf, lawyers, civilians who stood up against the fanatic barbarians who demolished the temple).

Anbe Sivam!